Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thanksgiving reflections

This year more than any in recent memory I have been reflecting on what I am truly thankful for.  This has been a wonderful year in so many ways.

 From wedding planning, to getting married, from enjoying work, to starting a new job with the same company I have a lot to be thankful for.  I can’t help but smile as I look back. I have been incredibly blessed.  While it is fun to look back and reminisce, I can’t help but to be excited for the experiences I will be looking back at next year at this time.


Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Time for another round of “user” feedback

I have heard my blog has been freezing computers (well just one that I know of at this point). I would be interested to know if anyone else is experiencing trouble.




Thursday, November 20, 2008

Yoda was a Buddhist

I recently read The Gospel According to Star Wars. Being a Star Wars fan I was excited to read a book with such an interesting premise. The book just wasn’t what I was hoping it would be. To me the title does not seem to be all that serious. While I expected an interesting story I ended up with a “theological” study.
While it was a well written book, I could never get into it. I got stuck on my hopes for a story. If you are interested in a deeper look into the themes of good and evil, the many Christ characters, or how Yoda often presents Buddhist philosophy this is the book for you. If you are looking for a fun Start Wars story this isn’t quite it.

One Free Puppy With Each Purchase

I saw this headline on the news this morning.  Believe it or not, it was for a car repair shop in Wisconsin.  Somehow this does not seem like the best idea considering the rest of the news that was reported after this story.  All of the news was focused on the “economic downturn” or the struggles of the big three automakers.  A give away that asks consumers to spend more these days is not the smartest move.  I appreciate common sense. That is why this caught my attention right away. There does not seem to be too much common sense involved in this gimmick. 

Friday, November 14, 2008


I have made several updates to my actual blog. (I am guessing most of these will not be visible to anyone who is reading my posts through a reader.)  Among the updates, I have added a bookshelf from shelfari.com, there is a place to submit link suggestions (powered by google docs), there is a fancy icon/link to Chris Brogan's rock star list (where this blog is listed).

As always suggestions/comments/feedback are welcome.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I have loaded a few of the wedding pictures from Facebook onto my picture page. Please pass along any pictures you have. Jess and I would love to see them.


Thursday, November 06, 2008

Back again


 I am back from the big wedding and honeymoon. As I get things pieced back together I will resume a more regular posting schedule. I will also try to load some pictures on the pictures page.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Whats on my blog

I made this tag cloud type immage from this blog. You can make one from any website at http://www.wordle.net/


Monday, October 13, 2008

Another day closer

While there is still a lot to be done before the wedding, I am starting to feel like things are in hand. I think all of the big projects are done. We just need to finish up the details. 

The weekend was spent making programs and place cards. While that may sound like great fun, it can get a little repetitive. It was nice to have lots of help. In planning this wedding it continues to amaze me how many people are ready and willing to do so much to help.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Yet another quick check-in (are you surprised?).

As the wedding gets closer I get farther and farther from this blog. I am sorry to the three (or four) people who check-in with any regularity. Anyway, here is the quick update of what I have been doing.

· Reading a book on productivity (yes people make fun of me for wasting time reading a book instead of being productive)
· Wedding planning
· Slide show planning
· Wedding planning
· Playing with SharePoint at work
· Learning how to query a database
· Learning how to update a database
· Learning how to restore a database (yes, as a result of the last point)
· Sleeping (not enough)
· Going to weddings
· Thinking about weddings
· Looking into software training for the office
· Building SQL server 2005 reports
· Trying to find a toll free conferencing service
· Watching football
· Not blogging
Maybe after the wedding I will get better about updates, a topic, you know things like that. We’ll see…

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A quick hello

I have been rather busy lately. I will be until well after my wedding at the end of October. I am interested to know who has been looking at this blog. I can see where people are logging on from, but feel free to leave a comment.  Maybe you can help me find a theme… riiiiiiiiiiiiiight. 

Monday, September 22, 2008

Wedding Weekend

I am back from a good (long) weekend. I was in a good friend’s wedding. It was a lot of fun and an all around great wedding. My fiancée and I have been going to a lot of weddings this year. None have made me as excited for our wedding as my friend’s.

This week will be a busy one.  Friends are coming Wednesday for dinner and the coming weekend will be spent in South Bend on wedding plans.

Friday, September 12, 2008




I thoroughly enjoy football season. I enjoy watching teams do the unexpected. I enjoy spending time with friends at games, or watching games at home. I enjoy returning to Notre Dame. I enjoy walking the campus after a football weekend with my fiancee. 

As I am watching the USF-Kansas game I keep thinking of a “great” movie. It is the “Best of Times” starring Robin Williams and Kurt Russell. It is about small town football. A great watch for anyone who understands how a small town can live or die with its football team.

There are several great quotes from the movie… here are a few…

Reno Hightower – “She's gonna leave me as soon as I fix her car.

Colonel – “Jack, Jack, Jack, I don’t have time for this personal descent into madness! I’m a busy maaannn. I’ve got to run the bank, and the Bakersfield booster club, you probably heard, I’m president of the potato bowl this year.”

Jack Dundee- “It’s that time of year again.  When the first leaf of autumn falls forlornly to the barren ground below.”

Reno Hightower – “By the way, did you know in the case of all out nuclear war that Taft, California is the safest place in America?  It’s because of the winds.

You can often find this gem for $9-$10. It also appears on TV every so often if you don't want to take the risk. 


Monday, September 08, 2008

A random thought

As you know I have been thinking of a theme for this blog... Everywhere you look the suggestions are to use your blog to express your expertise. I have trouble thinking of a topic where I would consider myself even close to an expert.
Tonight I did happen to remember my bad music collection. Could this be the theme? We will have to see. It could be fun!
My bad music collection started with my Uncle sending me CDs for birthdays and Christmases. It has continued with several "helps" along the way. One particular story comes to mind:
While I was teaching I had an 8th grade student ask me what my favorite type of music was. For some unknown reason I told her it was polka.
When she came into my classroom the next day she promised she would help me find better music.
For a favorite pola artist of mine check out Frankie Yankovic

Another busy weekend...


It seems like weekends are busier than weekdays anymore. This weekend was spent at the Notre Dame – San Diego State game. While it wasn’t the best game ever ND won.  The rest of the weekend was spent with family, friends, and wedding appointments.


Things are taking shape. It is just hard to believe we have a little over a month until the wedding.

Hopefully I will have a chance to post more during the week (and maybe even figure out what this blog is all about!). 

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

How do you do something?

It seems that everywhere you look someone or something is exhorting you to just do something. Whether you should be innovating, leading, motivating, thinking, there is an advertisement or two that will greet you when you turn on the TV or the computer. (The the IBM stop talking start doing type of commercial)  I struggle to believe that there is a substitution for a well thought out plan that is flexible enough to be executed despite problems that may arise.

If we spend all of our time doing things we will spend a considerable amount of time redoing things later. In today’s society that is focused on “me” and instant gratification there is a tendency to avoid the mundane. The mundane often involves planning, critical thinking, and research. The easy way out is to simply rush into a project. Careful planning will take into account the need to move quickly, research as the project evolves, or even wait for a more appropriate time. There is a tendency to look at planning as a first step, nothing more. The best plans evolve with a project. They are not abandoned as the project moves forward.

Most teachers admonish students to think things through. You hear mantras such as, “Anything worth doing in a rush must be worth doing twice.” There is a time for instant reaction, gut instincts, and the like, however, I believe that time is much more rare than the time that calls for a careful study of the problem at hand.

As I sit here typing I am taking a fresh look at several of the projects I am involved in, both at work and at home, and I am wondering how well I am following my own advice. I know there are projects I am more interested in seeing done than studied.  As much as this post looks at the way society perceives, or wants us to perceive the world, it is a trip down memory lane to the teachers and coworkers who have tried to keep things in focus. 

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Random thoughts....

Sooooo….things have been a bit hectic.

My random thought for the day: I don’t have that many truly random deep thoughts.

Things that have crossed my mind lately:

·         Fearing change is a counterproductive way to live life in a world that is constantly changing

·         I wish I had more time to cook.

·         I wish I had more time.

·         There is no excuse for not having at least some knowledge in this information age. There are a nearly unlimited number of resources that provide at least some worthwhile facts in an instant.

·         I would like to shake the hand of the person who invented the air conditioner.

·         Long weekends seem shorter than regular weekends.

·         People forget things, even important things.

·         You can burn your foot on a George Forman grill (Yes, I am watching The Office)

Organization can help in so many ways. There is no excuse for not trying to get more organized. I keep trying to convince myself of this. Sometimes the hardest thing is to move from knowing something to doing something.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Are you going to have a good day...

I have just two quick stories to share today.

First, I have been walking to work for several weeks now. Most mornings I pass an older gentleman on his porch swing about halfway between home and work. At first we just smiled and nodded to each other. Last week we began exchanging good morning. Today I said hello first and asked him how he was doing. He smiled, nodded, and said, “Are you going to have a good day…..SAY YES!” Of course I smiled back and said I would have a great day.
It was a great reminder that so much of our day is determined by our own attitude. If you start the day in a funk and let every little thing get under your skin you will have a funky day. If you start with a smile and a determination to have a good day you won’t guarantee yourself a good day. But you will guarantee a much greater chance of a having a good day.

As if that wasn’t enough entertainment for the morning something else happened one block later. This may seem like a strange story to relate, but here goes nothing. I heard braches rattling high above as I walked down the street. As I got close I stopped and looked up to see what was going on. I looked up just in time to see a squirrel begin a rather rapid, unplanned descent from the tree. The poor squirrel landed right in front of me. He immediately hopped up and ran off. The amusement is not that a squirrel fell out of a tree. It is that I believe it was the same squirrel that fell out of a tree on the same block last week. It was just a strange coincidence that made me smile again.
I hope everyone has a good day (say yes!)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A show about nothing...

I have been thinking that my blog is on a track similar to the TV show Seinfeld. Without a theme this is rapidly remaining a blog about nothing. I have had several thoughts about possible themes, each quickly countered by a good reason to avoid that topic.
Here is at least a partial list:
· Work related: Do I really know enough to offer professional insight? No.
· Education: No longer actively teaching I am sure I would run out of insights quickly.
· Humor: hmmmm….that just seems dangerous
· Sports: I can’t name all the starters on any team I like. Obviously not a good start.
· My life: Am I really that interesting? This gets a “has possibilities” rating…I am different enough to be at least slightly interesting at times.

At this point any insights are welcome!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Keeping the momentum

Despite a busy few days I wanted to make sure to get a post in. I had grand designs of posting over the weekend but moving took care of that. While it was a relatively easy move, it still drained more energy and time than expected.
I am still searching for a theme for my blog other than random thoughts. As I still meander through topics I have decided to list a few of my goals in life. It can’t be a bad idea to keep your hopes and dreams in front of you.
(These are in no particular order)
· Write a book
· Have a loving family
· Have something I do be labeled a “tour-de-force”
· Visit all 50 states
· Coach a youth sports team
· Create a volunteer program
· Live in a small community

I know some goals are more easily achieved than others. I also know that this list has changed over the years and will continue to change. It is nice to have your goals in front of you though.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Yet another start

I have been reading several blogs lately. They have been a mix of professional blogs I read for work and several friends’ musings. I have noticed the most successful bloggers seem to be passionate, opinionated and dedicated. I may have discovered why my blog has repeatedly failed to take off.
I have updated my reading list on the blog. I have been making a concerted effort to read more often and to actually finish books, instead of stopping for months at a time 50 pages in. My reading and love of history often lead me to biographies and autobiographies. I can’t help but notice that many of the world’s most interesting people kept a diary or journal starting rather early on in life. I couldn’t help but wonder, is there dedication to a simple task each day a simple sign of the dedication to their beliefs? Or, is it the reason that we know so much about them?
Looking back at my own history of journaling I have found a few things. Most notably, two aborted notebooks (the longest running journal lasted just over a week) and a blog with several false starts. While I don’t imagine this will become a daily habit I do hope to post with some regularity my thoughts and opinions.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

White Sands, New Mexico. One of the stops on the wedding tour this year. It was amazing how much the sand looked like snow. While the weather was nice the sand was cold on the feet!
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Tuesday, June 24, 2008


So begins my return to blogging. I figured this would be a good way to share some pictures and a few random thoughts. This picture is from Notre Dame. The back ground is out of focus on purpose (the sepia tone was added later). It is actually the dome.

So...if anyone sees this let me know.
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