Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Random thoughts....

Sooooo….things have been a bit hectic.

My random thought for the day: I don’t have that many truly random deep thoughts.

Things that have crossed my mind lately:

·         Fearing change is a counterproductive way to live life in a world that is constantly changing

·         I wish I had more time to cook.

·         I wish I had more time.

·         There is no excuse for not having at least some knowledge in this information age. There are a nearly unlimited number of resources that provide at least some worthwhile facts in an instant.

·         I would like to shake the hand of the person who invented the air conditioner.

·         Long weekends seem shorter than regular weekends.

·         People forget things, even important things.

·         You can burn your foot on a George Forman grill (Yes, I am watching The Office)

Organization can help in so many ways. There is no excuse for not trying to get more organized. I keep trying to convince myself of this. Sometimes the hardest thing is to move from knowing something to doing something.

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